[The love of the totality of our place, relationships and a willingness to accept interdependent solidarity, and the wholeness needed between people to overcome alienations disempowerment in decision making about the environment]
Mein Schlaf ist Traumen, mein Traumen Sinnen, mein Sinnen Walten des Wissens.
—Erda, Der Ring des Nibelungen, Richard Wagner
The heart, an enduring symbol of love and life, is positioned at the core of the tapestry. It connects with a distressed, circling falcon in search of its absent nest, its talons firmly embedded in the bleeding heart. The Western iconography is deliberate. The ‘Holy Heart’, a Christian devotional depiction, carries profound symbolism, representing the eternal love of Jesus.
Cast in vibrant red yarn and roving; the wandering falcon under a crimson sun; all seem on a quest for love to mitigate the dark, purple backdrop. “My sleep is dreaming, my dreaming is sensing, my senses reign all knowledge.”
Soliphilia, 2023
Needle-felted tapestry
250 x 120 cm
Knitted wool, yarn, roving on wool mix
Juffrouw Idastraat 23
2513 BE The Hague
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 38391577