A needle felted paraphrased reflection on the current political landscape in the US.
3 tapestries
Getting Trumped: "Canto XXX” Monumental Artwork Exposes Depths of Sociopolitical Turmoil, Drawing from Dante’s Inferno to Warn About US Elections and the Trump Era
Ione era crucciata (Juno was enraged)
Holle Bolle (Hollow bulbous Gilbert)
Canto XXX, a tapestry spanning three panels, reflects on the main themes of the 30th canto from Dante’s Inferno, where the protagonist encounters impostors and falsifiers.
The conception of this triptych arose from numerous discussions with the commissioners, conversations that centred around concerns about the state of the world and the unfolding events of the US elections. One prominent theme was the questioning of justice, as Lady Justice appears to have lost her blindness. Additionally, there were reflections on the boundless greed and the emergence of a surreal world where reality is distorted, where up is down and left is right.With "Ione era crucciata," loosely translated as "Juno was enraged," directly echoing the opening line of Canto XXX, the work not only pays homage but also sets the tone for the pervasive bewilderment that inspired the triptych.
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Westeinde 29
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