Holle Bolle

Canto XXX

Holle Bolle

[Hollow Bulbous Gilbert]

Reflecting on these profound themes, greed is personified through a figure drawn from Dutch folklore: "Holle Bolle Gijs.” His name is challenging to directly translate into English but might be rendered as "Hollow Bulbous Gilbert." This character is renowned for his portrayal as a waste bin in one of the Dutch theme parks, where he beckons visitors to dispose of waste by cheerfully exclaiming, "Paper over here!”

Surrounding Gijs is Gianni Schicchi, depicted reflecting on a painting by Bouguereau. Schicchi is infamous for his adept impersonations, using this skill to manipulate legal systems. In Dante's Inferno, Schicchi's cunning is demonstrated when he assumes the identity of Buoso Donati on his deathbed, successfully deceiving the notary and witnesses to ratify a fraudulent will. Dante's language in describing this deception is both legal and precise, illustrating Schicchi's meticulous orchestration of the scheme.

Gianni Schicchi is prompted by Simone Donati, the father of Dante's friend Forese Donati, who urges Schicchi to disguise himself as Simone's dying uncle, Buoso Donati. The scene depicted in the artwork mirrors Dante's narrative, showing Schicchi biting Gilbert on the neck as they are positioned atop the deceased Donati, symbolising the intertwining of deception and greed as portrayed in the Inferno.

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