
Das Lied von der Erde


[Emotional or existential distress caused by environmental change]

Stark ruft das Lied; kraftig reizt der Zauber. Ich bin erwacht aus wissendem Schlaf: wer scheucht den Schlummer mir?

—Erda, Der Ring des Nibelungen, Richard Wagner 

The first tapestry in the ‘Das Lied von de Erde’ series depicts a slumbering Erda, her watchful gaze reflected in one eye open while the other peacefully closed. The delicate tips of her hair act as vigilant antennae, eyes fixed on the eternal beyond. Stirred from her tranquil sleep, Mother Earth awakens due to the emotional upheaval caused by human actions. The composition envelops Erda as if she were reclining in the Valley of the Quest. 

In a parallel to Wagner’s opera, Erda’s awakening provokes disruptions in the weft of the ongoing warp of life. “Powerful the song entices, overwhelmingly surges the spell,” Erda sings, “I am awakened from a vigilant sleep. Who dares disturb my slumber?”

Solastalgia, 2023

Needle-felted tapestry

250 x 120 cm

Knitted wool, yarn, roving on wool mix

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